Monday, January 11, 2010

My Testimony

Hey, Thanks for inviting me to part of the "blogging experiment". :)

I look forward to making many posts to use as reminders of things that have happened through the year, and also as entertainment. I also look forward to connecting with fellow christian ladies/friends. And if we aren't friends just yet I look forward to that too.

This year is definetely a new beginning for me. 2009.....well, we'll just call that a "learning" year. I worked my tail off trying to make pieces fit in my life. I shunned God for not taking care of me the way I thought he should...and low and behold by the end of the year all that I had built for myself blew up in my face.

It's a humbling experience when you come to the realization that you can't do this on your own. Because I was away from God I worried over finances, jobs, future plans, etc... I finally got a job in September with a utility company. I was so excited. It was the most money I had ever been paid. I even made the statement to Mick, "I got myself this job, God had no part in it". Well, the excitement quickly faded, and I'm sure God was glad I set His name a part from this job. The stress was more than I could handle. I walked into my job daily afraid for my life. I had nightmares of customers coming in enraged and shooting me.

The walls were closing in on me and I was becoming worthless to my family. Quickly, the money meant nothing....Whenever I was away from the job, the job was still with me. I felt like I was in darkness, but I could still hear the sounds of my family around me. I couldn't enjoy them because the fear of what I had to go back to stayed with me.

Finally, in mid December, Mick could see it wasn't something I was just going to have to work through. He called my Supervisor and told him I would no longer be working there. Thank God for Mickey. I was in a terrible place, and he took care of me.

As soon as the decision was made it was absolutely like a cloud had been lifted from my life. I finally looked to God and said, "I can't do this on my own". I hate that I had to go through that experience, but I'm glad I did. It kind of made me think of that movie "Bruce Almighty". I couldn't find anykind of happiness in my life. Even if it was something good in my life I would sit back and see how somebody else had it better. Never appreciating the life that God had given me.

In 2009 I was finally brass enough to verbally make the statement to give up on God and do it on my own. In 2010, I bow my knees before the one that holds my future in His mighty hands. It is only by His grace that I have been privileged to live this wonderful life. I needed 2009 to show me where I would be without Him. "Nowhere" is a very lonely, sickly place.

In 2010 I start out with the same amount of income as before, but I have more freedom, and excitement for what lies ahead. I lift my hands in praise to the Author and Finisher of my faith...

Hebrews 12: 1-2
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.


  1. What an incredible testimony! Thank you for sharing this, Melissa. I only know you for your quick wit (which cracks me up constantly), so I appreciate your willingness to expose this part of your life.

  2. This is a beautiful testimony of God's grace and mercy. Thank you for being brave enough to share the "current reality" of 2009 and the wonderful things God taught you. He always carves a path back to his will for our lives when we invite him to the task!

  3. Thanks for your kind comments. I realize I am a work in progress, but I feel like we are all meant to be that until we reach Heaven. Always striving to know Him better.... I will always keep what I went through in the forefront of my mind....never to repeat. :)

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible testimony! You have no idea how inspiring you are to others.

  5. SO well written! thanks for being honest and sharing YOU with us. you're great!!

  6. What honesty! So refreshing! God's gonna bless you for that, Mel.
